Maybe Condo can consider sheltered swimming pool?

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More public pools are having sheltered swimming pools, such as OTH, Bedok Heartbeat and Safra CCK. It can be a plus point, as more are wary about UV effects on their skin. Due to global warming, the weather is getting warmer. If there is a sheltered swimming pool for the condo residents, the usage hours will be improved.

越来越多的公共游泳池,如 OTH、Bedok Heartbeat 和 Safra CCK 都设有遮蔽式游泳池。由于越来越多的人开始担心紫外线对皮肤的影响,这也是一个优点。由于全球变暖,天气越来越热。如果能为公寓居民提供一个有遮挡的游泳池,使用时间将会得到改善。

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