2023 Economy Statistics, Household income, Salary and Property

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The report showed that those aged 21 to 29 took on increasing amounts of home and motor vehicle debt.

The average home loan balances for this age group rose to $439,650 in the fourth quarter, an increase of 3.8 per cent from the previous quarter. They also registered the biggest increase in average car loan balances to $47,034.

报告显示,21 至 29 岁年龄段的人所背负的房屋和机动车债务不断增加。第四季度,这一年龄组的平均住房贷款余额增至 439650 元,比上一季度增加了 3.8%。他们的平均汽车贷款余额增幅也最大,达到 47,034 元。

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Singapore Property 2023 economy stats 2
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Singapore Property 2023 economy stats 1

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Singapore Property 2023 economy stats 3

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