CPF Life Payout with Standard Plan

Source: Today https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/explainer-why-interest-retirement-accounts-not-accrued-once-cpf-life-payouts-start-and-how-much-will-your-family-get-when-you-die-2371906

In simple terms, CPF Life is a “pot of money that we all put together” to cover members’ retirement needs, said Mr Christopher Gee, senior research fellow and deputy director at the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS).

“(CPF Life) is not designed for bequest purposes. We are living longer and need a more adequate annuity plan. With a larger number of singles, bequest motives become weaker, lifelong retirement income needs become stronger,” said Assoc Prof Tham. 

政策研究所(IPS)高级研究员兼副所长克里斯托弗-吉(Christopher Gee)先生说,简单地说,中央公积金人寿保险是 “我们大家凑在一起的钱”,用于满足会员的退休需求。


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